Emerging Professionals Meeting

Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Time: 7:30am - 9:00am
Location: Royal Oaks Country Club
Speaker: Panel

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DEPC Members,


We are happy to announce another DEPC Emerging Professionals event. If you are an emerging professional* in the estate planning area, please join us for a facilitated panel discussion on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM at Royal Oaks Country Club (7915 Greenville Avenue, Dallas).


First impressions can go a long way, especially when relationships are everything in our businesses.  The discussion will feature a panel of five distinguished advisors in the Dallas community giving the “Dos and Don’ts” of first meetings. We hope you can attend!


So, what next:


If you are an emerging professional* and would like to attend:

·       Please RSVP by March 22 (NOON) by clicking on the registration link below:


·       Seating is limited to the first 50 to register. Walk-ins will not be accepted if we are at capacity.


If you are an emerging professional but cannot attend:

·       Stay informed of future events by emailing DEPCEmergingProfessionals@gmail.com and requesting to be added to the distribution list.


If you ARE NOT an emerging professional:

·       Forward  to friends, colleagues, employees, etc. who you think would benefit from getting involved.

·       Encourage emerging professionals at your company to get involved with DEPC.  Your seal of approval may mean more than you realize to younger professionals.


Not a member of the DEPC? That’s okay! Ask us how you can become involved or visit http://www.dallasepc.org/.  


If you have any questions feel free to contact the DEPC Emerging Professionals Committee at DEPCEmergingProfessionals@gmail.com.


* Emerging professionals are considered to be age 40 and under (or less than 5 years in their respective discipline).





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