DEPC Emerging Professionals Meeting

Date: Friday, November 16, 2018
Time: 7:30am - 9:00am
Location: Royal Oaks Country Club
Speaker: Panel

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(Emerging professionals are considered to be age 40 and under

or less than 5 years in their respective discipline)


Friday, November 16, 2018

Royal Oaks Country Club, 7915 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 75231

Breakfast at 7:30

Program at 8:00-9:00

Cost: $10

Educational Program: Discussing Death, Divorce, and Drugs: How to Handle Tough Topics with Your Clients


Jeff Strese: Chief Talent & Learning Officer, Tolleson Wealth Management

Lacey Garcia, CFP®, CDFA™: CCO, Operations Director, Lifeway Financial Corporation

Christian Kelso: Senior Associate, Farrow-Gillespie Heath Witter LLP


If you are an emerging professional* and would like to attend please register below.

Please RSVP by November 8 (NOON) 

Seating is limited to the first 60 to register. 

Walk-ins will not be accepted if we are at capacity.


If you are an emerging professional but cannot attend:

Stay informed of future events by emailing and requesting to be added to the distribution list or check the DEPC website,

If you ARE NOT an emerging professional:

Forward to friends, colleagues, employees, etc. who you think would benefit from getting involved.

Encourage emerging professionals at your company to get involved with DEPC.  Your seal of approval may mean more than you realize to younger professionals.

Not a member of the DEPC? That’s okay! Ask us how you can become involved or visit  

If you have any questions feel free to contact the DEPC Emerging Professionals Committee at


Emerging professionals are considered to be age 40 and under

or less than 5 years in their respective discipline

See Upcoming Event Calendar